Untangling The Myths of Profit And Greed In Equine Business equestrian business the money series Sep 27, 2022

There is an unfortunate idea floating around the equestrian industry that if an equine business owner is financially successful, they must not truly be in it for the horses. Some people even label business owners as greedy or mercenary if they are making a profit, and fear of being seen as such can prevent entrepreneurs and professionals from pricing their services appropriately or pursuing profit at all.   

As a collective, this thought — that there is something fundamentally greedy, shameful or unethical about creating profit — is holding us...

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The Money Series: The Journey of Entrepreneurship equestrian business the money series Aug 28, 2022

Here’s the thing — your business is going to change you. It won’t just change your schedule or your bank account. It will change who you are, on a deep and profound level.

That’s because you’re not just building a business. You’re building and growing yourself, as a person and as an equestrian entrepreneur. This journey will create an entirely new person, a version of yourself that doesn’t hold back. You’ll let go of the self-sabotage, the excuses, and even the doubt. You’ll let go of the person you used to be.


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The Money Series: 3 Finance Tips for More Profit in Your Equestrian Business the money series Jul 05, 2022

by Christa Myers 

What separates a business from a hobby or passion project? Easy: a business is designed to turn a profit. Your equestrian business is no different, no matter if you're trying to make an extra $500 a month in horse show money with your side hustle or generate a six-figure revenue and make waves in the horse industry, every business needs to have a strong, stable financial foundation at its core in order to function and grow.

If you don’t know how much money your business makes (or loses), how can you plan, budget, and grow? And without a...

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The Money Series: Yes, You Can Actually Make Money in Horses the money series Jun 07, 2022

The horse industry is notorious for not creating profit, and you'll hear a lot of people tell you (jokingly, but also with an undercurrent of seriousness) that there is no money to be made in the horse business. Old-school trainers and horse dealers use this sentiment almost as a source of pride to show that their extreme dedication and hard work is all for the love of horses, not money. But let's face it: the horse world is teeming with money! So where is all of that money going?

Running a business in the horse industry is difficult, there's no denying...

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